Note: Monday Morning Quarterback is a weekly post reviewing my day on Sunday, a rather busy day; a colleague of mine made it a regular part of his blog and I copied it (
5:30am – awake – get ready for the day
6:30am – putting on a suit, thinking to self, “When is the last time I wore a suit?”
7:30am – at church, maybe a little early than I need to be, but I’m here
7:45am – updating powerpoint; I previously changed all the songs to be more gender inclusive, particularly when speaking about God, but decide to go with familiarity (traditional lyrics) rather than gender inclusiveness (I’m a chicken)
8:30am – choir folks are arriving early
9:30am – begin saying welcome to folks who arrived early; usually people arrive right at 10am
10:00am – Worship begins with me announcing that Pastor Bob is on study leave and that I am the preacher for the day
10:22am – hand out oreos to the children who come up for children’s time; none of them say thank you, which makes my children’s sermon for me (today’s scripture is the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers and one returns to say thank you)
10:45am – sermon done, congregation looks pleased
11:15am – worship concluded, I then attempt to keep church members in the sanctuary for a congregational meeting where we elect a slate of nominees for Elder and Deacon
11:22am – nominations closed and unanimous ballot cast…prayer…dismissed
11:30am – trying to be sociable (sometimes difficult for this extrovert)
11:40am – attending Children’s Ministry Team meeting, discussing budget; how do you make $5,000 out of $2,200? Jesus needed
1:30pm – time to watch the Broncos
4:00pm – Broncos game over, not quite the 28 point spread everyone expected, but a Broncos win is a Broncos win
5:00pm – pack for the Western Christian Educator’s Conference (
6:00pm – play with boys/eat dinner
8:00pm – get to bed, gotta leave early for the conference
5:30am – awake – get ready for the day
6:30am – putting on a suit, thinking to self, “When is the last time I wore a suit?”
7:30am – at church, maybe a little early than I need to be, but I’m here
7:45am – updating powerpoint; I previously changed all the songs to be more gender inclusive, particularly when speaking about God, but decide to go with familiarity (traditional lyrics) rather than gender inclusiveness (I’m a chicken)
8:30am – choir folks are arriving early
9:30am – begin saying welcome to folks who arrived early; usually people arrive right at 10am
10:00am – Worship begins with me announcing that Pastor Bob is on study leave and that I am the preacher for the day
10:22am – hand out oreos to the children who come up for children’s time; none of them say thank you, which makes my children’s sermon for me (today’s scripture is the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers and one returns to say thank you)
10:45am – sermon done, congregation looks pleased
11:15am – worship concluded, I then attempt to keep church members in the sanctuary for a congregational meeting where we elect a slate of nominees for Elder and Deacon
11:22am – nominations closed and unanimous ballot cast…prayer…dismissed
11:30am – trying to be sociable (sometimes difficult for this extrovert)
11:40am – attending Children’s Ministry Team meeting, discussing budget; how do you make $5,000 out of $2,200? Jesus needed
1:30pm – time to watch the Broncos
4:00pm – Broncos game over, not quite the 28 point spread everyone expected, but a Broncos win is a Broncos win
5:00pm – pack for the Western Christian Educator’s Conference (
6:00pm – play with boys/eat dinner
8:00pm – get to bed, gotta leave early for the conference